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Streamline Purchasing from Requisition to Invoice and drive operational efficiency.

Purchase brings efficiency and control to day-to-day operations by digitizing the entire purchase-to-pay process. Data flows automatically from requisition to purchase order and onward, eliminating the need to re-key information at each stage of the process. Internal controls are built in to meet the unique requirements of the public sector, giving you peace of mind that your operations are compliant.

Module Components

Requisition management

Allow all authorized users in your organization to create and submit requisitions with the necessary information and documentation to initiate the purchasing process efficiently. Automatically route the requisition to the appropriate approvers.

Purchase order management

Automatically created from the requisition or from scratch, the PO is the central document for tracking orders, receipts, and invoices and provides full visibility into the originating documents. After a purchase order is processed, buyers retain the ability to create change orders to modify quantities, pricing, account codes, and more.

Receipt management

Receipts are typically required before a payment can be processed by Accounts Payable to ensure a three-way match. Purchase streamlines this process by linking the receipt to the purchase order line items and providing direct access to individual receipts directly from the purchase order. Users can enter partial or complete receipts remotely and attach supporting documentation, even when using a mobile device. Once a receipt is entered, it can be routed through configured approval paths for validation and/or review. 

Invoicing management

Purchase includes several of controls to ensure payment accuracy, including limiting payments to amounts received, checking for duplicate invoices, and requiring approvals. As with all documents in the P2P process, Purchase flows data from the purchase order to the invoice to ensure efficiency and consistency between documents.

ERP or financial system integration

ERP or Financial system integration The integration component is designed to provide consistency in accounting functions, standard data formats, and integration using industry-accepted standards. This module handles basic transactions, transforming them into various formats for real-time data transfer and communication with your core ERP system, regardless of the system in use.

And with:

  • Review and approval workflows
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Full tracking and auditing capabilities
  • Advanced customization capabilities
  • API integration

Our Purchase workflow

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Streamline your procurement with Purchase

Simplify the entire purchase-to-pay process and ensure compliance with our fully integrated solution.